Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Drone Work #5 Soldering

We began to put the pieces together

the propeller may need some reprinting

attached wires
 were the board would be

attaching wires to the board

when flipped, is the missing piece from last post

problems when building:
mistakes were made when attaching wires. During the attempt at rectify the problem, the board began to smoke, it is possible but unlikely that the board may not work. more info to come soon

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Drone Work #4

 New things to look at:

 the controller for the drone
A bit of confusion:
We come across a roadblock to our project, it turns out that we are missing the Power distribution board. We looked at a tutorial to see how it was built, and noticed the missing part

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Drone Work #3 - More Stuff

A closer look at the motors...
...acquired new soldering iron...
 ...and how the drone would look like